A great example of how music and editing work together to create an emotional experience.
Dillon Baker This is a personal project of mine aimed at visualizing color choices in films. Frozen WALL-E Moonrise Kingdom
Casey Chan ProfileFollowUnfollow Blue from Tom Lurie on Vimeo. Everything about waves crashing—it is water smacking itself—is violent. But that’s because we see it from the surface. Underneath, seeing waves crest and fall is a hypnotizing, almost peaceful phenomenon.… Continue Reading
Audience at world premiere will be given beds, not seats By Evan Minsker June 17, 2015 Photo via Instagram The German-born British composer Max Richter has announced his latest endeavor—one of the longest single pieces in the history of classical music. Richter… Continue Reading
We all know that listening to music can soothe emotional pain, but Taylor Swift, Jay-Z and Alicia Keys can also ease physical pain, according to a study of children and teenagers who had major surgery. The analgesic effects of music… Continue Reading
David Pescovitz at 10:52 am Mon, Nov 5 Matmos – Very Large Green Triangles from Thrill Jockey Records on Vimeo. The Ganzfeld effect is a kind of sensory deprivation caused not by cutting off stimulation like in an isolation tank by… Continue Reading
Could a regular dose of Pavarotti or Queen do your body good? By Lynne Peeple MUSIC THERAPY: Is Freddie Mercury singing for your heart?Image: FLICKR/CARL LENDER Music may calm the savage beast or, at least, make the workday seem shorter. A new… Continue Reading