Digital Tattoo: next-level audio/visual art from Berlin
Digital Tattoo- QUIA from digital tattoo on Vimeo. Digital Tattoo
Digital Tattoo- QUIA from digital tattoo on Vimeo. Digital Tattoo
Aurora Borealis timelapse HD – Tromsø 2010 from Tor Even Mathisen on Vimeo.
DARK SIDE OF THE LENS from Astray Films on Vimeo.
"With his infamous cult films Holy Mountain, El Topo and Fando y Lis (which caused a riot upon its premier) Chilean-born Alejandro Jodorowsky altered the visual language and philosophy of cinema. Breaking from conventional approaches to filmmaking, Jodorowsky worked with… Continue Reading
BLADE RUNNER revisited >3.6 gigapixels from françois vautier on Vimeo.
Surfing the 4th Dimension from Don Whitaker on Vimeo. Further experiments in slit-scan style video, sometimes called time slicing.