area/code makes cross-media games and entertainment
Mind08 – The Design and the Elastic Mind Symposium
Oh Snap
So how does this all relate? What the F*&@K does Chinese medicine, instalation art, sound theropy, film, game and art theory have to do with one another. I think this has something to do with it: http://www.generalsemantics.org/index.php/gslc/essays-articles/203.html
Eastern Medicine invades the ad world
Per http://sclohonet.blogspot.com/2008/07/advertising-campaign-updates_31.html Finally, a more peaceful vibe. A State Farm out of home campaign running in California — of course — offers tranquility and bliss, but for your car. "Experience Peace of Drive," is the tag for 2- and 3-D… Continue Reading
A girl can dream…
MacArthur Foundation
Brave New World of Digital Intimacy
Steven Ray Vedro
Post Modern Times
Go here and watch this…